Drama is taught to all students at Key Stage 3. Drama strategies, theatre practitioners and genres are explored allowing students to address the three components of GCSE Drama: creating, performing and responding.
Read the latest news stories from our academy about English, Drama and literacy.
The Drama curriculum is designed to encourage greater self-belief and the confidence to try new ideas. It supports the English curriculum in its approaches to understanding text and character motivation and underpins the Citizenship core values of respect for self and others.
The natural cross-curricular outcomes with History have helped students to understand social and historical contexts for the worlds they create within the studio.
Lessons are weekly, as are extra-curricular clubs. Theatre trips are chosen to coincide with the topic being taught and it is expected that the students will all have attended a live performance before options are chosen in Year 9.
Opportunities to perform include student-written and directed pieces, termly assessments and co-productions with external companies.
The passion of the students drives the department. The GCSE course has been chosen to reflect the interests of the girls who enjoy a challenging and safe environment in which to develop their craft.
The curriculum overviews for each year group can be downloaded below.