Exams Timetables & Preparation
Our Examinations Officer is Hugo Fierro H.Fierro@harrisdulwichgirls.org.uk. Please contact Mr Fierro if you have any queries about examinations at Harris Girls' Academy East Dulwich. Our examinations policies can be downloaded from our Teaching & Learning page.
Examination and assessment timetables
Timetables of upcoming exams and assessments will be downloadable here as soon as they are published.
- Year 7 subject assessments timetable (13th-24th January 2025). Download a letter to parents.
- Year 9 subject assessments timetable (13th-24th January 2025). Download a letter to parents
- Year 11 mock exams timetable (January 2025). Download a letter to parents.
Year 11 Federation revision padlet
Please click HERE to see the Year 11 Federation GCSE revision padlet. It contains lots of useful resources such as:
- Exam board specification
- Topic checklists
- Revision materials
- Knowledge organisers
- Case studies
- Audiobooks
- Video resources
- Past papers
Preparing for exams - Years 11 and 13
To help students prepare for exams and assessments, Ofqual has published resources which aim to help young people through the exam period. There is a range of guides, blogs and other documents for students, or teachers, parents and carers, to support them and help to manage exam pressure.
These include a guide for students on coping with exam pressure, developed with specialists from Liverpool John Moores University and the Parents Guide to Homelife and Study.
There is also a series of blogs written by a group of researchers and practitioners who work together through the University of Manchester’s Institute of Education:
- understanding test anxiety
- a student perspective on feeling pressure about exams
- ways school staff can help students who are feeling anxious and advice for teachers on how to adapt their ways of working to support students prepare for exams
- managing the time between finishing exams and results being issued
Ofqual has also published a collection of links to guides and advice published by other organisations and specialists and a review of published literature on the topic of test anxiety which may be of interest to academics and practitioners working in the field.