Music is an integral part of academy life, with all students studying Music at Key Stage 3 to develop their listening and appraising, performing (solo and ensemble) and composing skills.
This enables the success and progress of all students in evolving a strong understanding of the three main components that make up the GCSE Music examination, as well as the importance of applying music to their everyday lives in a positive and productive way.
Our curriculum in Music inspires and challenges students to:
- Succeed and excel in a range of musical activities both within and outside of the classroom
- Be astute and active in listening and appraising music
- Be engaged and energetic in composing & performing music
- Learn an instrument – Steel pans, Drum Kit, Piano, Guitar, Brass, Stringed, Woodwind, Percussion & Voice
The music department delivers a balanced, well rounded curriculum that provides a stimulating, imaginative, charming and engaging learning environment.
Teaching and Learning is seen as ‘giving and receiving’ a sharing platform where the students’ know ‘we are on the same side’ - empowering and enabling them to succeed. The environment being safe for all pupils to develop their music theory, skills, techniques and methods, at all levels of ability, further enhances and structures a thriving department.
Read the latest news from our art, dance and music departments, including new projects and trips.
The curriculum overviews for each year group can be downloaded below.