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We had a great morning at yesterday! Pupils from Y7 & Y8 were helping us explore how to make healthy eating more appealing to secondary aged pupils. Thank you to Ms Holness for letting us visit right at the end of a busy term :)




Harris Federation Sports Day Winners 2024! 👏🏆#whorunstheworld


The final Art trip of the year to the Tate Britain. Students loved the 'Now you see us' exhibition of female artists🎨


Y9 visit to the Imperial War Museum. A moving and insightful day for all.


Congratulations to Imperial 8B for winning Y8 Sports Day! 🏆


A brilliant day for our Y9 Y10 Footballers!


We are excited to have Drama Society performing The Taming of the Shrew. Year 12 are having a workshop before year 9 arrive.


When one of your ex Hollydale pupils comes back to complete their Y10 work experience. How wonderful!


An incredible experience for Y10 students who visited Rome last week. Highlights included standing on the stunning Spanish steps


Our Mental Health Ambassadors receive recognition for their work as a Be Well Hub


South London Leaders coming together to celebrate the work of South London Listens and the Be Well Hubs. So proud to contribute to this special community!


First stop, visiting the penguins at London Zoo 🐧


The beauty of Wales! One of our Y7’s captured this beautiful view 🙌


Teamwork makes the dream work! Our wonderful Y7’s supporting one another on their trip to Wales 💫


Our Y7’s embracing their expedition in Wales!


Our wonderful new Y7’s joined us for our Transition event. They all wrote postcards to their future Y11 self. We will treasure these until their Y11 graduation! 💫


Our Y10 Religious Studies students have arrived in Rome. What a start to the trip seeing the iconic Trevi Fountain 💫


National Debate Mate Champions! The founder credited our exceptional students stating they were “born to lead, and they need to carry on leading as these girls are the future”. We could not be prouder! Congratulations 👏🏼

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Latest News

Posted on August 23rd 2024

HGAED Students Celebrate Record GCSE Exam Results

We are delighted to report that 33% of grades are at Grade 7 or above, compared to 21.7% nationally.

Seventy seven per cent of results are at Grade 4+, a key indicator of academic success, compared with 67.4% nationally.

“We could not be prouder of our 2024 GCSE students and all they have achieved," said Principal, Jo Young. "This cohort of students have worked diligently over their five years at the academy and have performed exceptionally well achieving the highest number of Grade 7 – 9 (A, A*, A**) in the history of the academy.

"In addition to their exceptional exam performance, this cohort have continually demonstrated our HGAED values of character, courage and conscience. I am so proud of their personal and academic achievements and look forward to seeing what they accomplish in the future.

"My sincere thanks go to our teachers and support staff for their commitment, passion and excellence in ensuring every student acquires expert knowledge, confidence and the belief that everything is possible.”  

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Victoria, with exceptional Grade 9’s and Grade 8’s across all her subjects.

Exceptional achievements

  • Victoria - Grade 9 Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Sociology; Grade 8’s Computer Science, History, Physics, Spanish
  • Syeda - Grade 9 Biology, English Literature, Mathematics; Grade 8 Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, French, History, Physics.
  • Guinevere - Grade 9 Biology, English Language, English Literature, Physics; Grade 8 in Chemistry, Computer Science, History, Mathematics
  • Zikra - Grade 9 Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Religious Studies; Grade 8 Chemistry, Economics, English Language, History, Grade 7’s Spanish, Literature,
  • Sarah - Grade 9 Biology, Chemistry, Physics; Grade 8 Computer Science, English Language, English Literature, Geography, Mathematics, Spanish, D* Business
  • Sachi - Grade 9 Art, English Language, History; Grade 8 English Literature, Mathematics, Psychology; Grade 7 Biology, Chemistry, French, Physics
  • Fiona - Grade 9 English Language, Mathematics, Physics; Grade 8 Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, Geography, Psychology
  • Stephanie - Grade 9 Biology, History; Grade 8 Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, English Language, Mathematics, Physics
  • Sara - Grade 9 Art; Grade 8 Photography, Biology, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Physics; Grade 7 Chemistry, History
  • Aliya - Grade 9 English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology; Grade 8 Chemistry, History, Physics, Spanish, D* Child Development, D* Business
  • Amira - Grade 9 Biology, Chemistry; Grade 8 in English Language, Literature, Mathematics, Physics; Grade 7 French, History and Economics, D* in Business Studies
  • Sharmin - Grade 9 Psychology, Biology, Computer Science; Grade 8 Chemistry, History, Mathematics, Physics, Spanish
  • Trinity - Grade 9 English Language, English Literature; Grade 8 Mathematics; Grade 7 Art, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics
  • Salem - Grade 9 Science, English Literature; Grade 8 History, Mathematics; Grade 7 English Language, Religious Studies, French
  • Daria - Grade 9’s History, Russian, Grade 8’s Mathematics, Sociology, Grade 7’s Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, Physics,
  • Gloria - Grade 9’s Sociology, English Language, Grade 8’s History, Spanish, Grade 7’s Drama, English Literature
  • Maya - Grade 9 English Language, Psychology; Grade 8 English Literature, French, Geography; Grade 7 Science, Mathematics.
  • Maelys - Grade 9 French, Mathematics; Grade 8 Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science; Grade 7 Economics, English Literature
  • Raqueebah - Grade 9 History; Grade 8 Spanish, English Language, English Literature, Science; Grade 7 Mathematics, Sociology
  • Mariam - Grade 9 English Language; Grade 8 Economics, English Literature, History, Grade; 7 Psychology, Spanish
  • Annis - Grade 9 History; Grade 8 Economics, English Literature; Grade 7 Biology, Chemistry, English Language, Food, Mathematics
  • Michelle - Grade 9 Chemistry; Grade 8 Art, Biology, History, History; Grade 7 Mathematics, English Language, D* Business
  • Thecla - Grade 9 English Literature, French; Grade 8 Mathematics; Grade 7 Sociology, History, English Language, Chemistry, Biology
  • Karmen - Grade 9 Mathematics; Grade 8 Psychology, Spanish, Chemistry; Grade 7 Computer Science, English Language, Physics
  • Aminata - Grade 8 Science, English Literature, History; Grade 7 Computer Science, English Language, Mathematics
  • Rihaanat - Grade 8 Geography, Mathematics, English Literature, Biology; Grade 7 Chemistry, English Language, Physics, Psychology, Spanish.
  • Juwariah - Grade 8 Chemistry, English Language, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Grade 7’s Biology, Spanish
  • Josie - Grade 8 English Literature, History, Mathematics; Grade 7 Chemistry, English Language, Physics, Spanish
  • Deborah - Grade 8 Science, English Literature, Geography, Psychology; Grade 7 Religious Studies, Mathematics, English Language
  • Zoe - Grade 8 Science, History; Grade 7 Computer Science, English Literature, French, Mathematics, Psychology
  • Aniyah - Grade 8 Mathematics; Grade 7 Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, History, Physics, Psychology
  • Ayesha - Grade 8 Biology, English Literature, Geography, Mathematics, Psychology, Spanish, Physics, English Language, Chemistry
  • Kaliyah - Grade 8 English Literature; Grade 7 Art, Chemistry, English Language, Geography, Mathematics

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Sharmin, with her exceptional top grades in every subject.

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Mr Boafo and Maelys, who achieved top grade in Mathematics.

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Salma, Aisha and Aminata celebrate excellent grades.

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Daria and Ms Keenaghan bursting with pride.

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Emma and Maya proud of their excellent results.

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Syeda opening her exceptional results.