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Our superstar Peer Mentors. Blessed to have such brilliant role models. We are grateful to you for all your efforts ✨


Our Peer Mentors doing what they do best, supporting young people in our community. 💜


It was a pleasure meeting the wonderful students. We hope you had a fantastic time 💜


Brilliant trip to to bring Macbeth to life for Y10 🎭


So grateful for the inspirational team from who presented such engaging sessions for 💜


What a special International Women’s Day! Our students dressed as their future selves and enjoyed talks from a range of female leaders. 💜


Students enjoying their talk from a respected Forensic Scientist as part of 💜


The Great HGAED Bake Off sale for 💜


Today we are celebrating with over 15 companies giving talks to our students (aka future leaders of tomorrow!) 💜


A brilliant day spent with inspiring our students through the We Can Be event.


A fantastic day at the London Flag Football! It’s not everyday you get to meet NFL legends 🏈


We cannot wait to celebrate International Women’s Day at HGAED. So many inspirational women running careers sessions for our students 💜


Congratulations to our Y12 students for winning their team challenge We Can Be event 🙌


Always a highlight for our brilliant Y10 and Y12 students 💜


Congratulations to our brilliant Y7/8 Football Team. An exceptional win against Sydenham today! 🏆


Thank you so much for your informative workshops for our Y7 - 10 students.


Congratulations to our incredibly talented students for their inspiring performances at this years HGAEDs’ Got Talent Show 🎤 🙌 Thank you to the brilliant audience, the sisterhood was palpable! ❤️#charactercourageconscience


Our students impressive metalwork designs, inspired by Art Deco. So many exceptional pieces!


An absolute privilege to experience the Club Alt closing event . Thank you to the brilliant students who curated this exceptional project and our Y13 panel hosts for their insightful questions


A brilliant match against . Very deserving winners. Thank you to for hosting! 👏🏼

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Academy Admissions

Jo YoungWelcome to the Harris Girls' Academy East Dulwich admissions information page. My name is Jo Young, and I am the Principal here.

We are delighted to welcome you to our Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ academy where, in Ofsted’s words, “pupils thrive at this exceptional school”.

I made the decision to send my daughter to the secondary school I went to. This establishment nurtures strong, professional, emotionally intelligent women and guides them in their journey by hiring some of the best teachers in the UK." Parent

Year 7 applications

The academy admits 150 girls each September. As applications always exceed this number, girls with education, health and care plans in which the Harris Girls' Academy East Dulwich is named will be admitted before others.

All applications for the academy are through the common online application process and your application should be made direct to the borough in which you live.

We keep a waiting list and would strongly advise that you call us immediately if you do not get a place with us and had wanted one. We will then communicate with you directly if a vacancy arises and liaise with your local authority to confirm any subsequent offer made. Our waiting list is dealt with according to our Admissions Policy also in terms of order of places offered.

Applications for Year 7 places in September 2026 should be made online at via the Southwark Council website. The link will be added here once admissions for September 2026 opens. Admissions for September 2026 must be made via Southwark Council only and not directly to Harris Girls' Academy East Dulwich.

HGAED is a really incredible school to educate your daughter. Its values and ability to support and keep to those values all through school years is very impressive. The Head is very involved, visible and deeply respected by the children and the teachers all pull together to give a safe and warm but also firm and fair environment. I would recommend it to all." Parent

Admission outside normal age group: If you would like your child to be admitted outside of normal age group, please download and complete the 'Southwark Form - Request for Admissions Outside of Normal Age Group' downloadable from the bottom of the pageor find it here on the Southwark Council website. You must return this completed form to the Local Authority via email only: Please do not return your request form by post as they are no longer accepting documents by post. For further information, please see the Southwark Council policy on admission of children outside their normal age group (September 2025 normal intake).

Our full admissions policy, with details of our admissions criteria, can be downloaded from the bottom of the page. Our published admission number (PAN) for each year group is: Year 7 - 150; Year 8 - 150; Year 9 - 150; Year 10 - 150; Year 11- 150; Year 12 - 20 external candidates.

HGAED2Our Scholarship Programme

Calling prospective Year 7 parents. Unlock your child's potential with a Harris Scholarship. Find out about our Harris Scholarships programme.

Academy tours

We are delighted to show prospective students around our outstanding academy. Please Click HERE to request a tour.

Academy admissions contact details

If you have any queries please contact us using the details below.

Telephone: 020 7732 2276
Address: Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich, Homestall Road, London SE22 0NR

Admissions are dealt with by Patricia Slater, Admissions Manager


All applicants will know the outcome of their application for a secondary school place on 3rd March 2025. If you wish to appeal you must either contact the academy on stating that you wish to appeal. A form will be sent to you. Alternatively you may download and complete the notice of appeal form which is available at the bottom of this page.  

HGAED3Completed appeal forms must be received by the Academy by 4pm on 31st March 2025. Appeals will be held between May and June 2025.

You should attach to your appeals form any relevant documents or evidence which you feel support your case together with a covering letter.

Completed forms should be sent either by post to the Clerk to the Appeal Panel at Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich, Homestall Road, London, SE22 0NR or via email to

The Academy will arrange for an Independent Appeals Panel to consider the Academy's reasons for refusal and your reasons for wanting to attend the Academy. The panel will consist of three people (two will have education experience and one will be an independent person with no education experience).

The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will make an appointment within a reasonable time and appeals may be made in English or the parents’/carers’ first language. Only one appeal per application is allowed. Appeals are conducted in person, and you may bring a friend.

The panel will consider the case put forward by you and the Academy. They must consider the admission arrangements for the Academy and the reasons why you want to attend that particular school. The panel must exercise its discretion by balancing the weight of your argument (for wanting to attend) against the Academy’s reasons for refusal i.e. the prejudice that one more student would cause to the education of the students already offered and the health and safety of all the students already attending the Academy, also taking into account the Academy's published admission arrangements. 

The decision of the Independent Appeals Panel is binding on the admissions authority and the parents.

HGAED1In-year admissions

Applications for an in-year admission should be sent directly to the Academy using the form which can be downloaded below.  We will advise on whether we have any vacancies in that year group.

Classes are determined by test results and therefore, even if we have a vacancy in the year group, we still need to clarify whether there is a space available in the appropriate class.  We will therefore invite your daughter in for testing so that we can establish whether we have a suitable place available for your daughter at the point of your admission request.

We will notify you as to whether we are able to offer a place upon receipt of test results.

Sixth Form admissions

The Academy operates a sixth form for 200 students. Admissions are co-ordinated by the Harris Federation. For further details, including how to apply and entry requirements, visit

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Latest Newsletter - February 2025

Click HERE to download your copy of the February 2025 newsletter.

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