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Posted on July 14th 2015
Number Hunt - Tuesday 14 July
On Tuesday 14 July, our Number Hunt celebrated numeracy across the curriculum.
Students were given a booklet containing lots of numeracy questions to complete throughout the day, and teachers wore a number around their neck that corresponded to the answers. Students had to go around the academy looking for the teacher with the right answer to the questions in the booklet and write their name in the space provided.
There was a real buzz around the academy as students ran excitedly from teacher to teacher to complete the challenge by the end of the day.
Fifty seven students completed their booklet and handed it in, in the hope of winning the top prize.
Even staff got involved with their own mini staff quiz. At 3.30pm the entry box closed and the Maths team tallied up the scores and prizes were allocated. Prizes will be announced in the final assembly on Friday.
Trishana (below) pictured with her Number Hunt booklet.
Gabriela and Meyiah-Rai answer the Number Hunt teasers.
Year 7 rise to the numerical challenge.