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Posted on January 3rd 2018
Students Praised for Shakespeare at Albany
Much Ado About Nothing by Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich at The Albany on 15 December 2017, appraised by actor Nuala Maguire.
I would like to offer sincere thanks and congratulations to Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich for your wonderful production of Much Ado About Nothing as part of the 2017 Shakespeare Schools Festival.
Students and teachers alike have put hard work, imagination, determination and passion into this production, and were a credit to the school. I'd like to take this opportunity to highlight just a few fantastic moments that you should be especially proud of.
Firstly, I want to comment on your amazing team spirit - such a focused group with real presence on stage who worked brilliantly to really become each character.
- This show was vocally stunning, not just in spoken word, but with the use of song to open the show and punctuate the story - this was unique and enchanting!
- The company had a wonderful understanding of the text. There were so many great moments where the text was used brilliantly which really stood out. You had a fantastically layered grasp of the language – uncovering character personalities and relationships with your performances. I thought this performance was really professionally executed as you could see the character objectives really shine through!
- Finally the modern elements of the staging of the production were beautifully executed, including the sound effects and music as well as the choreographed stage pictures with mobile phones, really proving that Shakespeare can be so easily contextualised in the modern day. Very well done!
Congratulations to everyone involved in this superb production. I hope to see Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich in the Festival again next year.
Nuala Maguire